The Greater Miami Conventions and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) is Miami’s official tourism board. Upon learning Miami would host its first ever Formula 1 Grand Prix, I gathered creatives, planners, and client engagement leads to build a proactive campaign supporting this major event: 98 million people watch each Formula 1 race; the equivalent of a super bowl every weekend!

In this role, my writing provided a compelling point of view POV inspiring GMCVB to activate for this event. Additionally, I crafted the social media strategy and engaging copy for social content, with my writing playing a pivotal role in persuading stakeholders and audiences to participate in the premiere of this event.

As a result, you were invited to guess which Miami landmark is featured in the creative. Please forgive the blurriness of our pictures - we took them from a speeding F1 car 😉

- This is a proactive campaign supported by incremental budget.
- This is GMCVB’s first launch on Reddit to tap into passionate travel and Formula 1 communities.
- We received strong results all-around exceeding benchmarks and forecasts. With over 62.5MM impressions, we delivered a click-through rate of over 1% and a 2.6% Engagement Rate. ​Reddit click-through rate was +300% above Reddit benchmark​ while Facebook/IG click-through rate was +2% above the industry benchmark​.

Our influencer program produced inspirational digital storytelling with diverse international influencers who highlighted Miami's unique culture and drew engagement from our key international audience segments: U.K, Mexico, Germany & Brazil. Expertly applying our collab feature doubled engagement as the content was interacted simultaneously on both the influencer and our brand pages.