Attain by Aetna: Designed in Collaboration with Apple

Attain by Aetna is a highly personalized watch-based service, that makes it easy to stay healthy and achieve your health ambitions. We launched this app, in collaboration with Apple, through a strategically designed organic cadence capitalizing on a major news event. The organic cadence drove thousands of registrations for the program and paved the way for a paid media phase to drive downloads.

Introduced the product to market on social media by unifying owned social platforms, which resulted in 1K+ program sign-ups during launch week.
Created a thoughtful communications strategy delivered via a well organized weekly cadence.
Delivered highest CTR from an organic Instagram Story.

Mental Health (Day)

Aetna drives a deeper and more positive connection with audiences discussing mental health issues on Twitter. To establish Aetna as a behavioral health expert, I strategically created organic content joining weekly #mentalhealthmonday conversations while being welcomed by the community we had set out to reach.

Elevated Aetna to rank among top 3 healthcare brands discussing mental health issues on social.
Established a 100% share of Voice in #mentalhealthmonday discussions.
Highest engaged post surpassed engagement rate benchmark by 256%.

Mental Health (Night)


People who suffer from anxiety often lie awake from the hours of 2am - 4am. As an experimental initiative, I developed content to be published during these late night hours in order to establish Aetna as a positive source for anxiety relief.

The 1am - 4am version saw an 18.46% Video Completion Rate, and a 60% 10s Video Completion Rate (vs.61% 10s Video Completion Rate for the afternoon post I used as control).
The VCR for our late night video surpassed our benchmark by 8.46%.

School Employee Guidance Program


Aetna launches a program specifically designed to support teachers facing higher rates of stress, anxiety, high blood pressure and depression. Recognizing the professional nature of LinkedIn, I developed organic content positioning Aetna as an innovator who understands the specific mental health needs of teachers and that daily challenges they face.

Highest CTR post on LinkedIn July 2018; performing 6X better than Twitter content.
Surpassed Twitter CTR benchmarks without the use of paid media.
Proved ability to connect effectively with a B2B audience.